
Kasım, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Rejuran Skin Healer is great on me

One of my skin woes is definitely enlarged pores. I had them since my secondary school days and I always thought that they were caused by my severe acne problems. It was only until I did a research online that I realized that I was so wrong. Many people, like myself, have the misconception that the depressions formed on the skin due to acne scarrings are enlarged pores when they are really not. And according to dermatologists, the three main factors that determine pore size are whether we have oily skin, our age, and our gender, and our genetic disposition. How do these factors affect our pore sizes? People who have oily skin tend to have larger pores because the excess sebum, dead skin cells, and dirt will collect in your pores and expand them, causing your pores to look bigger. And as we age, our skin tends to lose its elasticity and when that happens, our skin may sag, enlarging our pores at the same time. Bad news for men, men generally has bigger pores as compared to the ladies. A

MAGNOLIA Celebrates Cheerful Mornings with Disney's Mickey Mouse Collectibles

Don't skip your breakfast! This is simply because a good breakfast sets the body and mind right and provides the energy you need to get things done at work or in school. It does not have to be time-consuming because all you need is just the right ingredients and it makes a world of difference. It comes as no surprise that milk is a staple at breakfast all over the world as it is a convenient and delicious way to reap the benefits of this creamy nutrient-rich beverage to nourish the body. Milk provides calcium and protein for growth and strong bones. The dietary recommendation for Calcium intake in Singapore is 800mg a day. Calcium is the building block for healthy bones, which make everyday things possible and support an active lifestyle. A serving of 200ml of MAGNOLIA fresh milk provide 240mg of calcium. MAGNOLIA has a wide range of options for everyone in the family, from a selection of MAGNOLIA Fresh Milk and MAGNOLIA Lo-Fat High-Cal variants to the MAGNOLIA Plus range that comb

Heritage Food Hunt with Chef Bryce Li

Singaporean are crazy about local food, so much so that it is a MUST HAVE in every hotel buffet. The Orchard Cafe has been an icon of Orchard Hotel Singapore for three decades, and has had a loyal following of fans who always return for their favourite local fare. As part of Orchard Hotel Singapore’s complete enhancement programme, The Orchard Cafe was closed for a complete refurbishment and will be reopening on 19 Nov 2018. Of course, the buffet spread has been given an upgrade too and we’re expecting lots of tasty creations by Executive Chef Bryce Li and his capable team. In fact, while The Orchard Cafe was undergoing refurbishment, Chef Bryce took the chance to try the local fare all over Singapore's hawker centres. I was honored to be able to join him on his visit to Newton Food Centre to check out two local favorite dishes which is the BBQ Chicken wings and the BBQ Sambal Stingray for inspiration on what to create at The Orchard Café. Below are the food (BBQ Chicken Wings and